Rowan Viking is on her way back to Mandal

Valaris and GOT work very well together and the rig owner decided to take the rig back to our yard facility.

Rowan Viking is on her way back to Mandal for the second time.

This is a move in the right direction. Valaris and GOT work very well together and rig owner decided to take the rig back to our yard facility.

Important factors
For Valaris it was a few main factors that was of importance.
GOT has to improve the yard facility towards a «greener yard» - with our project Mandal green yard we did manage to secure the project - we will aim for a project with as little emissions to air and sea as possible during this yard stay.

We work on a project to secure grey/black water treatment in best possible way, and we do increase our shore power capacity with more than 100%.

We are very pleased that Valaris have trust in our yard and that we both have a joined focus on the environmental footprint.

Thomas Granfeldt Jr. & Øyvind Hægeland

Rowan Viking will be connected to shore power at the GOT yard; together we aim for a greener future!

We expect the rig to arrive in Mandal ultimo September - beginning October. We believe that she will be at the yard until Q1 2021 and we should perform several important work packages on the rig.

It is several work packages that will be concluded during her stay, and she will be a very good supplement of other works we are conducting at our yard in Mandal!

Jan Sigurd Vigmostad,
Chairman of Global Ocean Technology


Øyvind Hægeland
Vice President GOT Rig
+47 951 18 211


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